Pet Care

Experienced in innovative pet care product development and production.

Grooming Tools

  • Cat brushes
  • Dog brushes
Pet care industry image of woman and dog on carpet.

Pet Accessories

  • Fish tank accessories

Pet Sanitation

  • Automatic litter boxes
Indoor cat
case study

Pet Care Product Manufacturing

Hankscraft has proven experience in providing exceptional program management and manufacturing services for the pet care industry, from development to delivery.

Here’s how we added value for an established customer’s …

Hankscraft staff gather for a meeting.
Unlock the benefits

Global Contract Manufacturing

Unlock the benefits of a global contract manufacturing company with access to international and US manufacturing facilities and teams. Experience seamless communication, quality assurance, direct connection to your team and project, flexible services, and location advantages. We offer deep experience and proven excellence in full-service, global contract manufacturing to provide the best options for sourcing, manufacturing and logistics to your business.

Engineers discussing items on a computer

The Capabilities You Need

Frequently Asked Questions

Start your project Now

Ready to get started? Hankscraft will be with you every step of the way as an invaluable partner, supplier, vendor, and extension of your team.

Contact us to learn more and to start your project.

Assembly line worker